Seminole commission primaries draw contributions from owner of land at center of River Cross proposal

By Martin E. Comas Orlando Sentinel | Jul 24, 2020 at 7:54 PM

Matt Morgan is running for the District 4 Longwood city commission seat.
Matt Morgan is running for the District 4 Longwood city commission seat. (Martin E. Comas / Sentinel staff / Orlando Sentinel)

The challengers in two Seminole County Commission primaries are drawing an infusion of cash from the owner of the land at the center of a controversial development — as well as support from a group of mysterious political action committees.

Former WWE wrestler and Longwood Mayor Matt Morgan, who is challenging incumbent Bob Dallari in the Republican primary for the county’s District 1 seat has taken in $6,000 from real estate firms led by Kenneth Clayton.

The same companies also gave $6,000 in $1,000 increments to Longwood Commissioner Ben Paris, who is vying to unseat incumbent Republican Lee Constantine in the District 3 primary.

The Clayton family has long owned the Hi-Oaks Ranch, 669-acres of former pastureland and old citrus groves east of the Econlockhatchee River and north of the Orange County line, that was proposed as the site for a mega development known as River Cross. Kenneth Clayton did not return calls for comment.

At the same time, a political committee is paying for advertisements attacking Constantine. And records show that the committee is run by the same Florida political operatives who run another committee that recently received $100,000 from a company owned by the developer of River Cross: Lobbyist and former legislator Chris Dorworth.

Dallari and Constantine, who both voted in August 2018 against the River Cross project, say they are being targeted because of the push by developers to blow past what’s known as Seminole’s rural boundary.

The development debate, which brought hundreds of residents out to the county commission meeting, has served as a touchstone for how politicians are upholding a decision by voters in 2004 to keep land east of the boundary protected from development.

But Morgan and Paris both say they don’t support River Cross or moving the rural boundary.

“I will say it as loud as I can: ‘Hell, freaking no,’” Morgan said in response to a question a

Lee Constantine
Lee Constantine (Sentinel file photo)

bout whether he supported the development. “I will say nope, nope, nope.”

Morgan, who said he signed a pledge to protect the rural boundary, said he doesn’t pay attention to his campaign contributions, and that he doesn’t see a reason to return the money from Clayton’s firms.

Paris, who could not be reached for comment for this story, recently said he supports the rural boundary and that he would have voted against the River Cross project “as it was presented” in 2018.[Popular on] Orlando Sentinel endorsements for the August 2020 primary election, all in one place »

Morgan’s campaign also received an injection of $5,000 from five Tallahassee-based PACs led by Republican strategist William S. Jones, who runs dozens of political committees that support candidates across the state.

Jones also runs another Tallahassee committee – Sunshine State Rising – that is paying for television ads condemning Constantine.

And yet another Tallahassee committee led by Jones – Greater Florida Foundation – received a $100,000 check on July 9 from CED Strategies, a Lake Mary real-estate firm owned by Dorworth. Though it wasn’t clear how the money was spent and the contributions

Bob Dallari
Bob Dallari (Courtesy Bob Dallari / Courtesy photo)

to Morgan’s campaign came through different committees.

Dorworth did not return calls or text messages asking who he supports in the commission races, though he has attacked Dallari and Constantine on Twitter.

“I can’t imagine what it must be like to spend a career pandering and groveling with no backbone and spine like @bobdallari … only to get spanked in their first hob nob. #SAD,” Dorworth posted on Twitter earlier this month after a straw poll showed Morgan and Paris leading the incumbents.

About three years ago, Dorworth signed a contract to purchase the Hi-Oaks Ranch property for $35.3 and then submitted plans to Seminole County to convert the land into River Cross, a development made up of 600 single-family homes, 270 townhouses, 500 apartments and 1.5 million square feet of shops, restaurants and offices. The property, because of its status inside the rural boundary, is limited to less intense projects of one home to five acres or one home to 10 acres.

After Dallari and Constantine joined the three other commissioners in voting against the River Cross project, Dorworth filed a federal lawsuit against Seminole that argues the county’s rural boundary is “racially segregative.”

Dorworth recently proposed trading a county-owned preservation area west of the Econlockhatchee River for his River Cross land as a way of settling the lawsuit. And Dallari and Constantine cast votes to reject that trade.

Dallari questioned Morgan’s position on the rural boundary.[Popular on] Central Florida 2020 Voters Guide: Your guide to your ballot »

“It’s interesting that Matt Morgan signs a pledge to protect the rural boundary, yet the people who will profit from that development gave him money,” Dallari said. “People should ask themselves a question: What’s the truth with Matt Morgan?”

Dallari, who is seeking his fifth term, conceded that he also took contributions from Dorworth in past campaigns, though not this year.

“I have taken money in the past [from Dorworth],” Dallari said. “But once he [Dorworth] tried to develop in the rural area, I have severed our relationship. That’s the big difference between our campaigns, a big difference.”

Morgan, who was elected to the Longwood commission in 2017 and was appointed mayor last year, has raised more than $70,000 since June 4, according to the most recent campaign records.

Longwood Commissioner Ben Paris talks about a cross that was donated to the city and is currently on display at City Hall.
Longwood Commissioner Ben Paris talks about a cross that was donated to the city and is currently on display at City Hall. (Martin E. Comas / Orlando Sentinel)

Dallari has raised $87,533, according to campaign documents.

In the District 3 race, Constantine has raised $202,211 and Paris has garnered $37,011, according to the latest campaign finance reports.

The winner of the Aug. 18 Republican primary between Dallari and Morgan will face Democrat Katrina Shadix in the Nov. 3 election. And the winner of the Republican primary between Constantine and Paris will face Democrat Kim Buchheit.

Martin E.Comas covers Seminole County and its seven cities at the Orlando Sentinel. Martin is a UCF graduate with degrees in journalism and business administration. He is fluent in Spanish.